If you have any of the following phobias (fears), we don't advise the Haunted Shack for you. Even if you don't have any of the following phobias, please take the Haunted Shack with caution and don't take anything away from it. However, if you have any of the following phobias, take even more caution. Here they are.

  • If you have Arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, please note that there are spiders in the rooms, either hiding, eating, or other. A spider jump-scares you as well.

  • If you have Coulrophobia, a fear of clowns, we seriously advise not entering the Haunted Shack. A main attraction/speaker is a clown known as Wacky Mole.

  • If you have Achluophobia, Nyctophobia or Noctiphobia, a fear of darkness or night, please note that there are periods of time where there will be little to no light and it will seem like night.

  • If you have Aichmophobia, Trypanophobia or Belonephobia, a fear of needles, pins, or other pointed objects, please note that minor decorations include objects like those.

  • If you have Automatonophobia, the fear of human-like figures, please note there are minor elements relating to things like that.

  • If you have Claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces, please note there are walkways like that, with not much walking space. There is not a lot of room in the Haunted Shack, and we try to make the most of that, but the result of that is enclosed spaces.

  • If you have Hemophobia, the fear of blood, note minor/major decorations/elements include variables such as that, with varying amounts of blood/gore shown.

  • If you have Koinoniphobia, fear of rooms, please note that the Haunted Shack is indeed inside a room.

  • If you have Melanophobia, fear of the color black, please note that lack of light results in black, which there is, as well as elements and decorations colored with black.

  • If you have Necrophobia, fear of death and/or dead things, we advise not entering, as characters talk of death and killing you, characters die or are dying, characters are skeletons and ghosts, characters are in the act of killing other characters, jump-scares make you think they'll kill you, and more.

  • If you have the phobia meaning the fear of men, women, or children, we want to remind you there will be men, women, and children most probably at the Haunted Shack.

  • If you have Samhainophobia, fear of Halloween, note that this is a Halloween-themed Haunted Shack.

  • If you have Scoptophobia, fear of being stared at, please note that our guard stares at you quite eerily and creepily.

  • If you have Venustraphobia, fear of beautiful women, we advise you to get someone to check before entering the waiting zone, as you never know when one of those beauties shows up.

  • If you have Wiccaphobia, the fear of witches and witchcraft, while we have no witches in the walkthrough, there are elements hinting/relating at/to witchcraft.

  • If you have Xenophobia, fear of strangers or foreigners, we hope you understand that both inside and out there will be most likely people you don't know.